If I'm in the mood to do a blog meme...or fifty then you'll find it here.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday 9 - Will You Still Love me Tomorrow?
1. Have you ever been in a situation with a lover where you did not know what tomorrow would bring?
2. What worries you most today?
That something will happen to my kids or hubby
3. Could I tell if you were lying to me?
4. What do you miss most about the 80s?
My childhood. I was 5 to 14 in the 80s, so no responsibilities. I miss what I had that I can't give me kids - the safety of running around a neighbourhood.
5. What's going on that you can't understand?
life, the universe and everything. The fact that it's harder to adopt a dog than have a kid - that makes no sense to me.
6. How would I know if you liked me?
I'd tell ya.
7. If you ever won an award, what would you want it to be for?
Having all my ducks in a row.
8. What would we be surprised to know that you've done?
Lot's of things, but nothing I'm going to write here.
9. What’s the most exotic mixed drink you remember trying? Did you enjoy it?
I'm not big on spirits. I've had a Singapore Sling when I was in Singapore. Normally I stick to beer and wine.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Friday Fill In
1. I love to sleep.
2. hug and a smile.
3. It's how you roll.
4. Shhhhhh don't tell me!
5. Well, would you jump out of a plane.
6. Colourful spring peepers.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting some sleep, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in and Sunday, I want to get the house cleaned up!(yup, I'm boring)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday Thunks
1. Did you have a sugar overdose this past weekend?
No. I was really well behaved and had one dark chocolate bunny.
2. What was the last thing you bought off of Ebay?
Nothing. I've never done it.
3. Springtime means bare feet. At least around here. Think about the last long walk you took, on purpose or not, how far did you walk?
When I ran out of cat biscuits and the hubby had the car, I walked up to the vet. That took me half an hour there and then half an hour back. Yes, I went on purpose because the cats were driving me nuts for food.
4. You pull into someone's driveway. Four large German Shepards come to your car. They are barking, but not in a "I'm going to tear your jugular out" kind of way. What do you do?
Check behavior. If they seem happy then I'd get out and let them sniff me. Pat them and walk up to the door. I love German Shepards. Of course if it were dobermans I'd back out immediately.
5. What do you own the most of?
Books? Shoes maybe.
6. Did you hear there is a Royal Wedding this week? What is the most obnoxious wedding you have attended? And we wanna know why it was so obnoxious. The word "obnoxious" is defined any way you want it to be... expensive, ugly dresses, stupid guests... whatever.
So sick of hearing about the damn royal wedding - big yawn. I've never been to an obnoxious wedding. All the ones I've been to have been fabulous.
7. Which one of the dwarfs that Snow White hung around with is your favorite? Which one do you think you are most like?
Grumpy - for both answers.
8. If I were to hand you an orange, how would you get the peel off?
With my fingers?
9. Sometimes a person just doesn't think of these things - do you think Adam & Eve had a belly button?
Nope - although they seem to in all the art
10. Those little kittens lost their mittens. Why do kittens have mittens anyway?
Because their mother was paranoid they'd get sick and she'd have to take time off work to stay home and look after them.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I Want Wednesday
While this meme blog no longer seems to operate, I used to enjoy reading it so my Wednesday meme will be from its archives.
What part of your life do you want to slow down?
Ummm...Can I say all of it?
I want my kids to stop growing up so quickly.
I want to stop getting older because it means I don't have as much time left.
I want the house to stop getting so messy, so quickly so I have time to clean it better.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday Movie Meme - facial hair
This week's meme is all about characters in movies who rocked their facial hair. I've never been that in to facial hair, but a couple of years ago the hubby grew a decent beard and now I quite like it. But I honestly couldn't really think of many characters that I fell in love with because of their facial hair.
Brad Pitt had a nice little bit of fuzz in Fight Club. Loved that movie
Of course there are a lot of gorgeous photos of Brad with all sorts of facial hair but I have no idea which movies they actually relate to.
So I'm thinking I'm gonna just wait until next weeks question.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday Stealing - It's All About Four Freakin Things
Four Places I go:
1. Kids school
2. rugby club
3. scouts
4. taekwondo
Yup, it's all about the kids
Four Crushes I Have:
1. Brad Pitt
2. David Beckham
3. Shemar Moore
4. my hubby
Four Smells that I Love:
1. Bacon and egg pie cooking
2. fresh roses
3. kids hair after a shampoo
4. cut grass in the summer
Four Favorite TV Shows:
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Supernatural
3. Bones
4. Law and Order
I have wayyyyy more than 4
Four Favorite Movies:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Meet Joe Black
3. Stranger than Fiction
4. Stand by me
Again, how can I choose 4?
Four Recommendations:
1. Be sure to watch all the above 4 really good movies
2. Don't climb over fences at the zoo
3. Have kids in an even number
4. Never sleep on the couch by yourself
Four People that I'd love to read their Fours:
1. Stephen King
2. Angelina Jolie
3. Perez Hilton
4. the old bloke with the dog who lives over the road
Four Things about me that you don't know:
1. I have a tooth missing
2. I'm constantly frustrated (oh wait, that's probably obvious)
3. I love pate on toast
4. My filing system sucks but I know where everything is...mostly
Four bands that I love:
1. Snow Patrol
2. Coldplay
3. Ramones
4. CCR
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday 9 - Sex as a Weapon
1. Have you or a significant other ever used sex as a weapon?
No. How boring of us.
2. Tell us about the worst date you ever went on.
Ummmmm...Well I've only really ever dated the hubby. Before him it was just teenage stuff. None of ours have been hideously bad that I can remember right now.
3. If you were a god/goddess who would you be?
Oh that's a hard one - so many to choose. Athena?
4. What crime from history fascinates you the most?
Jack the Ripper. I think the fact that we still don't know 100% who did it is what makes it fascinating.
5. Give us one random, but candid fact about you.
I still bite my nails
6. Who or what makes you laugh until you're weak?
The hubby...and he does it on purpose
7. What is the most exciting adventure you’ve ever been part of?
Lived overseas for 3 years - wonderful
8. Among the people you know, who would you choose to be able to read all your thoughts?
Absolutely nobody. That would be really, really bad.
9. How old were you when you realized that other people's families live totally differently from yours?
High School. At elementary school there was a bit of a stepford quality to the neighbourhood so it never really showed up.
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