
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Thunks

1. Did you have a sugar overdose this past weekend?
No. I was really well behaved and had one dark chocolate bunny.

2. What was the last thing you bought off of Ebay?
Nothing. I've never done it.

3. Springtime means bare feet. At least around here. Think about the last long walk you took, on purpose or not, how far did you walk?
When I ran out of cat biscuits and the hubby had the car, I walked up to the vet. That took me half an hour there and then half an hour back. Yes, I went on purpose because the cats were driving me nuts for food.

4. You pull into someone's driveway. Four large German Shepards come to your car. They are barking, but not in a "I'm going to tear your jugular out" kind of way. What do you do?
Check behavior. If they seem happy then I'd get out and let them sniff me. Pat them and walk up to the door. I love German Shepards. Of course if it were dobermans I'd back out immediately.

5. What do you own the most of?
Books? Shoes maybe.

6. Did you hear there is a Royal Wedding this week? What is the most obnoxious wedding you have attended? And we wanna know why it was so obnoxious. The word "obnoxious" is defined any way you want it to be... expensive, ugly dresses, stupid guests... whatever.
So sick of hearing about the damn royal wedding - big yawn. I've never been to an obnoxious wedding. All the ones I've been to have been fabulous.

7. Which one of the dwarfs that Snow White hung around with is your favorite? Which one do you think you are most like?
Grumpy - for both answers.

8. If I were to hand you an orange, how would you get the peel off?
With my fingers?

9. Sometimes a person just doesn't think of these things - do you think Adam & Eve had a belly button?
Nope - although they seem to in all the art

10. Those little kittens lost their mittens. Why do kittens have mittens anyway?
Because their mother was paranoid they'd get sick and she'd have to take time off work to stay home and look after them.


I am Harriet said...

Ahh....the things we do to keep peace with the pets.

Have a great day!

Laura said...

Visiting from Thursday Thunks. And I am with you - stop with the royal wedding already!

Anonymous said...

Books! I didn't even think of books and that's probably what I have most of too! I love German Shepards too! Happy Thursday!